Buddha said go and search the universe to find someone who deserves your love & affection much more than yourself, you will find no one because you are the one who deserves your love & affection the most.
Ashok Sharma/Dubai
How many of you feel anger, hatred, jealousy and other negative emotions at some point of time? Do you want to get rid of them?

To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance. Oscar Wilde
Self-love is at the very core of wellbeing, joy, self-empowerment, and your ability to create and enjoy the kind of life you want. You cannot enjoy happiness if you are not at peace with yourself. Knowing how to love you is extremely important.
Buddha said go and search the universe to find someone who deserves your love and affection much more than yourself… you will find no one because you are the one who deserves your love and affection the most.
From the human perspective, every relationship you ever have with someone else exactly reflects one or more aspects of the relationship you have with yourself.
What happens if you DON’T Love Yourself?
You get affected by indecision and self-doubt. Health gets adversely affected. You may fall in low self-esteem and even into depression , which cripples you in every area of your life.
Until you know how to love yourself there will be an inner war going on that divides your energy and spoils your efforts to move toward happiness.
Not only that, if you lack your own love then you attract people and circumstances that mirror your negative beliefs and feelings. By the Law of Attraction it has to be that way. We draw to us the manifestations of what we FEEL.
Self-Dialogue Is Key
I think most of us would be shocked if we could hear a tape recording of our inner dialogue. Sometimes we treat ourselves far worse than we could imagine treating someone else. You first have to be aware of a situation before you can change it.
Do any of these thoughts sound familiar?
To start building self-esteem, first listen to how you talk to yourself.
“There is something wrong with me. I’m really messed up.”
“It’s my entire fault.” “I’m incompetent. I don’t know what I’m doing.”
“That person doesn’t like me. No one likes me.”
Reasons for this negative self-talk can be long-held beliefs about yourself that aren’t even based on reality. This usually comes from your parents, siblings, and other people around you during your early years. One of the common potholes of life that we may fall into is comparison trap. No person is better or worse than another. Remember, we all came with different growth assignments for this lifetime.
5 simple tips for Loving Yourself
1. Indulge in your little desires. I think it’s important to recognize the things that make you happy, that inspire you, that send little shivers of delight down your spine. Enjoy those little things that you postpone like a mock date with your spouse, dance, sing, go to movie, that ice cream cone with kids…etc. You will feel good about yourself.
2. Let go of your mistakes. Mistakes happen. To everyone. No matter what you look like, who you are, what you do for a living, you’ve made mistakes. Take lessons from them, and then move on.
3. Stand in front of mirror, praise yourself. It’s okay to say how awesome you are every day. Celebrate yourself and your achievements and all of that self-love is sure to find you.
4. Take good care of your health. Eat well, do exercise and rest well. You will start loving yourself. Good things will coming knocking at your door.
5. Appreciate your life. Appreciating all that you have in your life is one of the very best ways to remember that you’re so very lucky to be YOU.
Your Self Love Uplifts All
Besides the many personal benefits YOU will experience from learning how to love yourself, there is a gift you’ll be giving to all of your fellow beings: you will be uplifting all the people around you.