Waiting for a day to be announced as Happy Humans Day


Please don’t forget that we all are God’s creations and if He doesn’t have any objection to anyone living in his/her own way peacefully and following only the divine rules, then we too should just be, and behave normal.

Writer: Shreshtha Jha, Ghaziabad

Writer: Shreshtha Jha, Ghaziabad

What a day it is ! Celebrated all over the world ! Though there is no perfect clue if the world in the literal sense, knows the real meaning of this and also, no clear idea, if literally the whole world knows it and celebrates it the way it should be. I just wonder so many times if at all this day should be celebrated only once a year. It must be, in my opinion, felt, acknowledged, celebrated and respected everyday and every minute of the day of life. Actually here ‘International Women’s Day’ is being discussed.

Woman- a divine creation. What a powerhouse she is. Born with inbuilt qualities of love, care, warmth, empathy and …. talk about their strength – I am sure you will, as always, fail to define how strong they are. Iron-willed, beautiful heart and purest soul – that’s what she is all about. The only creation of God who has got the power to bring another creation to life. Incomparable, she is. I salute and celebrate the women around me and in the world – your spirit is unparalleled. I bow down to you God, for gifting this universe your best possible gift ever.

But at times, I feel that it is either under-celebrated or overhyped. Its something that whirls in my mind every now and then, but then I try hard not to give much analysis-time to this but this time, it not only made me think but write – “An excellent idea, approach and attitude towards celebrating Women’s Day, but why is there no such day for men ?”

We celebrate Daughter’s Day but there isnt anything like Son’s Day. Every year Women’s Day is celebrated like a Mexican wave but there is no occasion when men, their thoughts and their man-hood could be celebrated. There is no “International Men’s Day” … is there any ? Perhaps we are so engrossed in acknowledging and empowering Feminism that we have completely forgotten another existing truth of life – we need to celebrate our men too. Look around yourself – aren’t you surrounded by some wonderful men, who not only take care of us, protect us but also give us solid encouragement to be ourselves; who make us strong, who make us believe that we are born stars right since our childhood days. Our fathers, our brothers, our male friends, our male colleagues at work, our teachers at school/college – their positive attitudes should be celebrated too with equal positivity and spirit. I mean I am not saying that feminism is a wrong movement to believe in, all I am saying is that it is absolutely important to celebrate both genders since the balance of the life and this entire universe can be maintained only when both will be treated, acknowledged and respected equally. By equality, I strictly mean that equality should persist in all departments – personally, socially, professionally and psychologically. Equal status, equal respect, equal pays, equal freedom, equal opportunities, equal education, equal care and equal strength – this is what actually should be the state anywhere in the world. If women are celebrated, so should be men. So I raise a toast to all those men who every minute take pride in strengthening their women, highlighting their importance in their lives and in universe and promoting their firm ideas of celebrating them everyday. You celebrate us, so here is to you – I celebrate you from now on. Though I still have no clue when will a day be named for such good men, to celebrate them officially, but since I celebrate womanhood all the time, so I am going to celebrate you wonderful guys too, around me, always.

Just as I respect both the genders equally, I have immense respect for the third category as well. This category was deliberately created by particular volunteers or was created to specifically degrade them – again clueless. Whatever is the case, this category has always been cornered, targeted, disrespected and treated inhumanly. In the world where people and leaders talk about freedom, equality and justice so frequently and easily without even meaning it, this category has faced the tortures at the hands of humans only. And no, I am not talking about animals or any aliens; I am not even talking about criminals, since these ought to be punished for their sins and if possible, expelled from the society even. I am talking about the LGBT community – the lesbians, gays, bisexuals and the transgenders. The first thing I don’t get is – who gets to decide and make rules about anything or anyone else; what religion one should follow, what language one should speak, what culture should be followed. We talk of liberty and independence, and then we suddenly become the law-setters and define what is right and what is wrong. Are we some God ? Strangulating someone’s freedom and crushing their feelings and demeaning them in front of everyone – is this something the law-setters deem to be the “right thing” ? If yes, then one thing is for sure – humanity is in danger. How ridiculous it sounds when it is said that same-sex attraction is crime. I mean just imagine somebody drafting rules for you to follow without posing any questions and rebelling. Think of the times when someone ordered you to do something and you were not in a mood to do that – just because you were not in a mood, you declined an order and said No to their face. Now just imagine people being caged under insane, inhuman instructions, threatened to follow them or face gruesome results. How does it sound ? Suffocating. Disgusting. Illogical. Inhuman. Just because they choose to live differently, how does it make them different from any of us ? Treating them insensitively, inflicting tortures, extending mental and physical harassments – how come is this right ? Do these people ever disrespect other humans or look down upon them ? They treat you as normal people, then why can not they be respected in return. They are not outcasts, they are not from some other planet. They breathe same air as we do, they do the same daily chores as we do, they believe in the same moral values and ethics as we do, then where is the difference. If we cannot celebrate humanity, we definitely are cruel and mindless.

We are humans, aren’t we ?

Please don’t forget that we all are God’s creations and if He doesn’t have any objection to anyone living in his/her own way peacefully (without disturbing any universal moral codes) and following only the divine rules, then we too should just be, and behave normal.

So here is to Human-hood.

Just waiting for a day to be announced as Happy Humans Day ….. actually waiting for the time to come where we could actually celebrate all humans in one equal space.

Happy Humans Day, everyone !!!


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